AMS - A Large-Scaled Project In The Netherlands
In September 2020, Blu 3 UK Ltd (Netherland Branch) appointed STAP on a project in Holland where they were using a combination of a pan shuttering system on the internal face of walls and timber shuttering on the outside face of the walls. The project is A large-scale data centre project on behalf of a bluechip software company.
Throughout 2020, STAP designed the following;
- Ground Bearing Capacity for Site Cabin Leg Load Check & Foundation Design
- Site Haul Road Design
- Piling Mat & Working Platform Design for Hitachi CX 700 GLS / KH230 GLS & and Junttan PM 20LC
In 2021, STAP went on to design;
- Generator Base / Foundation Design – 2 options
- Ground Bearing Capacity for Site Accommodation Leg Load Check & Foundation Design
- Protective Concrete Slab
- Protective Concrete Slab (Depth & Reinforcement)
- Temporary UGS Ditch Crossing - Sheet Pile
Going into 2022, STAP’s works continued;
- 14 22kV & 11kV Equipment Base with Cable Trench
- Equipment Unit Ground Bearing Design Checks for MDU No. 1, TX No. 1-5, SIDU No. 1-5, SMDU No. 1 & Temporary Generator Base 1 MVA
- 5m Temporary Light Column Foundation & Stability Design Check: - Buried-in-Ground, Concrete Blocks, In Sleeve & Concrete Buried-in-Ground
- Pile Cap & Double-Sided Ground Beam Timber Formwork Design
- 2No. Temporary Site Haul Road Design (Build-up A & B)
- Permanent Haul Road Design