Case Study | Evolution Enabling Solutions

Site: St. Luke’s, Woodside Avenue
Project Value: £3.5M
Clients’: 1 Evolution Enabling Solutions

In 2016, Evolution Enabling Solutions appointed STAP Structural Engineering Services as Temporary Works Designers. Initially, STAP designed the Hoarding, and the demolition sequence for 4 buildings.

STAP then moved on to design the Scaffolding, the Temporary Support and Restraint to the Basement.

During 2017 STAP designed 4No. New Steel Work Frame Fabrication and Connection detail for all Buildings’, including Temporary Needle Shoring and Propping and Scaffold Ramp Design.

Also, STAP designed a Chimney Support Signboard.

STAP Structural Engineering Ltd - Expert Structural Engineers in London, Kent, and Surrounding Regions for Commercial and Residential Projects