Temporary Works Design
Temporary Works Design Service
Permanent Structures Design Services
Timber Frame Design,
Demolition, Protection, Access Scaffold & Gantry Structures,
Domestic & Commercial Premises Conversions

STAP Structural Engineering has had a considerable amount of experience and knowledge in designing a wide range of projects, in a variety of sizes, while ensuring temporary structures are completed. We have a great understanding of developing temporary works design.
Over the years we have been involved in the design of a wide range of temporary works and have completed temporary works for groundworks as well as large infrastructures. When completing temporary works designs we understand that typically the level of work and design that is required is usually more than needed for a permanent structure. We have the skills and the knowledge to undertake temporary works designs, which a lot of engineers will not provide, this is due to the task being a lot more complicated and in-depth than permanent works.
Our temporary works design engineers provide a detailed report for a wide range of projects starting from covering simple projects to in-depth renovations. All major construction sites require temporary works solutions and it is crucial that temporary works designs are important.
Temporary works design is the main part of the construction process that needs to be put in place before any permanent works are completed. These works will either be removed at the end of the project or in some cases, they will be incorporated into the permanent infrastructure. There are many temporary works design aspects that may be included, for example, scaffolding, temporary bridges, site fences, excavations, temporary slopes and tranches. We are responsible for overseeing any temporary works that are placed on a construction site, as a team of temporary works design engineers we will oversee all on-site compliance checks, complete the preparation of design briefs, complete regular site visits and provide support and assistance to those as required.
To complete any temporary works design our team of civil and structural engineers have the experience within a consultancy and contractor environment. They are highly qualified in developing temporary works designs. Our engineers have the skills to complete the design of temporary works structures as well as highlight issues that may later arise if these temporary works designs are not put in place, if these issues were to arise there could be a considerable amount of risks to both the surrounding structures and employees alike.
There are many aspects that an engineer will determine when completing temporary works design,
Scaffolding Design
Scaffolding is a temporary structure that can be used to support materials, equipment and workers during the construction or renovation process of the project. Scaffolding is a requirement that must meet all the requirements of the Work At Heights Regulations and this is why ensuring that you have a professional put together this design process is crucial. Ensuring that you have an entirely bespoke design for your project that will guarantee to protect those on-site and the surrounding bystanders and employees.
Foundations and Piling
Temporary works design has a big impact on foundations and piling, our engineers here at STAP Structural Engineering will put together designs for foundations and piling as part of a construction project. Temporary piling is often designed to ease the removal and can be reused if required. Whereas temporary foundations are a solution that can include a wide selection of equipment, which includes steel plates, pipe stoppers and much more. All of these are crucial when starting any large construction project to ensure the project runs smoothly.
Slope and Excavation Stability
STAP Structural Engineering will carry out an in-depth assessment of both soil and rocks, as well as investigate the temporary excavation site. It is important the stability of the slopes are assessed to ensure that the slopes that are covered can withstand movement. From this, it will determine whether the slope and excavation site is stable before any permanent works go ahead. For the safety of the entire construction process, it is crucial that the structure must not move.

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For any structure or building that is in danger of collapsing or during repair works or renovations, shoring is a process that can support this structure. There are many forms of shoring that can be used, from raking walls to flying shoring, each of these aspects enhances the safety of the foundation during the entire excavation process. Our team of expert engineers have the skills and expertise to ensure the entire design process for temporary shoring.
Surface and Groundwater Control
STAP Structural Engineering engineers have been providing temporary works design that requires dewatering assessments to ensure that the structure is stable while evaluating the ground to take accurate measurements of the groundwater to ensure that the workable level is dry, safe and stable.
If you are looking for a company that can provide temporary works design that is reliable and effective, contact STAP Structural Engineering today.