In October 2020, DeconstructUK employed STAP Structural Engineering Services Ltd initially to provide the structural design for a Temporary Façade Retention Design to Rear Elevation for the project ‘Providence Court, Mayfair, London. W1K 6PR’
There were 2 options given in the original design brief for the internal Temporary Works;
- Option1 – The Steel Supplier’s indictive intention where sacrificial piles need installing.
- Option2 – A number of permanent piles to be installed instead of sacrificial piles
It was decided that STAP needed to provide a design for bolting steel to an existing slab and the external façade retention on kentledge.
Next, the services requested of STAP were; Temporary Support to the Smoke Vent / Lightwell design, Structural Stability, Floor Load Capacity Structural Analysis Design Check, including drawings and calculations to Approval In Principle (AIP) standard. These AIP documents outline the concept for the design of the structure. Also design by STAP were;
- Temporary Support / Restraint to External Wall – Façade Retension
- Steel Connection Detail
- Temporary Support / Restraint to Rear External Wall Design
- Steel Ranking / Splice Connection Detail
- Temporary Support / Restraint to Front / Side Wall Design
- Temporary Support / Restraint to Rear External Wall
- Concrete Footing Timber Shutter / Formwork Detail
- Temporary Support / Restraint to Party Wall Extension – (Section)
Executing Various Design Checks
Following the designs provided by STAP, they were then required to carry out various Design Checks/CAT 2 Design Checks. A CAT 2 Design Check involves a More Complex or Involved Design and requires a considerable Degree of Interpretation of Loading /Soil Information.
In the months January through to April 2021, further structural design work was requested of STAP including; Temporary Earth Support Design and Concrete Thrust Block Formwork Design.
Revision to an existing design by STAP was needed when some new circumstances came to light. The original Temporary Façade Retention Design to Rear Elevation needed to be amended to include further support to the additional aspects: Side Boundary Walls & Service Void Wall
The final aspect STAP were instructed to provide on this project was a Floor Slab Load Capacity Design Check where an ZX48U-6 Excavator sits on the slab and is used for demolition.
Throughout STAP’s appointment on this project, they were appointed as ‘Temporary Works’ Co-Ordinators’, and were required to visit site weekly for Meetings & Inspection of Temporary Works Installation.
View our gallery of images for this case study below or Get In Touch with our specialist team today for a free no-obligation quote on your project.